Terms and Conditions

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Terms and Conditions of use


"Helado Derretido" is an on line kids store, selling clothes and accesories. 

www.cowmakesmoo.com is a property of Andreas Synaniotis headquartered in Prevezis 70b str, 104 44 with Vat No EL075126451, A' Athens Tax Company. 

These following terms and conditions of use and sale state the contractual relationship between the company and each individual who wishes to use the site and/or purchase any products available through this.

In order to access and use the website, the visitor is requested to read these Terms of Use since by visiting and using the site he confirms that he is aware and accepts these terms.


Prior the use of the website, the company recommends and encourages all visitors and customers to read carefully these terms of sale particularly regarding the right of withdrawal, pricing and payment policies and also to visit periodically the site for any changes to these terms. If you do not agree with any of the terms of use, policies, reports, commitments and obligations described, please do not use the site.

Every customer who makes a purchase of products from the website is considered to have fully and unconditionally accepted the terms of use as (potentially modified) exist on the date of the order.



These terms of use apply throughout the period during which services are offered by the site.



The use of the website is exclusively for customers aged over eighteen (18) years of age who have the right and the legal capacity, excluding professionals and other retail traders. The company reserves the right to refuse any order that clearly exceeds or might exceed the normal needs of the average consumer (indicatively but not limited to four items from the model, color or object).

The clientele is not limited geographically. The company, however, agrees and accepts to deliver to customers residing within the boundaries of the Greek territory. 

For all other countries, the customer must contact the company through the link “contact” for information on fees, transport methods and delivery time.



The right to use the site and purchase products have those individuals who are registered as customers/members and the registration is done by creating a user account. By creating an account and after the acquisition of the status of client/member and throughout the duration you maintain that status, you acknowledge and agree unconditionally that: 

- You have the right and the power to make orders. 

- You comply with the terms of use and the methods, procedures and guidelines described on the site, as they possibly modified apply at any time.

- You are and you remain solely financially responsible for the use of the website, and the contractual obligations undertaken to any order you submit.

Registration: In order to register as a client/member and create an account, you are asked to provide to the company certain information as described in the registration form. You agree to provide true, accurate and complete information and to confirm and update the information at all time, and whenever requested by the company. The company reserves the right to request further information if it considers that the information provided is not sufficient or satisfactory. Regarding privacy issues, please read the corresponding term below.

When registering, you are asked to select a username and a password for the account. You agree and are entirely responsible for maintaining and preserving the confidentiality of the username and the password you use. For security reasons, aliceonboard.com recommends to frequently change your password. You acknowledge that the company may assume in good faith that every person using the site with your username and password is you or a person authorized to act in your name and on your behalf. You agree to notify us immediately if you suspect any unauthorized use of your account.

When using the site and holding the reserve of specific provisions herein, you may not:

- Violate in any way the legislation or the copyrights, trademarks or other rights of third parties

- Violate these terms and use of agreement and our policies, as they are described on the website

- Meet your financial obligations as registered by your account orders

- Copy, modify or distribute rights or content from the site, the pages, services or our tools or copyrights, trade names and trademarks of the company and the website.

The company reserves the right to prohibit access to the site to specific customers/members, delete accounts or cancel orders at their discretion, in the event that the company realized a violation or even attempted violation of the above obligations. In case of cancellation of an order there will be no charge to the customer.



The company makes every effort to protect users' personal data in compliance with the relevant provisions on personal data protection.

Any collection, management, use and overall processing and protection of personal data of the customers of the site is subject to the terms of this section, the provisions of Greek legislation in force as this legislation may be amended and be in force, the European Community data protection legislation and provisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority (APPD). The purpose of processing personal data of customers/members by the company is exclusively for the support and execution of the orders customers/members place, contact reasons and to improve the information and services provided by the site.

All information is submitted to us through forms by customers/members and/or questions asked and other communication modes. The visitor agrees that the data submitted is comprehensive, accurate, truthful and valid and that in any change he will inform the relevant service of the company so that the registration information can be kept complete, correct, true, accurate and valid. If any member wishes to stop any contact or communication with the site, he must just fill in the contact form at heladoderretido.com in which he may indicate the relevant desire.     

The company reserves the right to change the data protection conditions after informing the client/member and within the current legal framework. If a customer/member does not agree with the terms of this section shall not use the website.

Any client/member is considered that, simultaneously with the introduction of data during registration as a client/member, grants to the company express consent for processing that data in the context of the intended transaction, and he also reserves the right to access the data and obtains the right to object to the processing of data.

The company protects all private data of customers/members and will not communicate or disclose personal data to any third person or entity for any reason, with the exception of the following:

- Upon the prior explicit consent of the client/member

- In case the channeling of personal data is for legal and / or individuals cooperating with the company,

- If requisitioned for compliance with the relevant provisions of law and to the relevant authorities or imposed by law and / or by court order or is in assignment of personal data to third parties.

In any case, the client/member may contact the company in order to update, correct or check his personal archive. If a customer/member wishes for his personal data, supplied through registration, to be deleted or permanently disabled from our database or remove his name from the list of e-mails, he must send an e-mail or contact by telephone to the address or number below:





In heladoderretido.com we choose high quality products for sales, which have been selected and purchased from designers and manufacturers after quality controls and certification. 

The main characteristics - as given by the manufacturer - appear in the description of each product, under the reserve of any technical or typographical errors, which cannot be predicted or occurred inadvertently. 

So the pictures of the products may not correspond exactly to fabrics in terms of colors because of the Internet reader (browser) or the monitor used. In heladoderretido.com we try however, to be as accurate and detailed regarding the description of the products and of course, please contact us if any description does not satisfy you. All our products come with the original label of the manufacturer / designer

Prices shown are subject to change, and are expressed in euro including VAT (Value Added Tax) and do not include shipping costs. In all cases, however, the products are priced, at the prices in effect, at the time of order by the customer. The final price of the order is calculated at the end, after adding shipping costs and packing costs, if they exist, about which the buyer is informed when ordering.

Any offers are valid only at the indicated time and if there are available products in stock. And in this case, critical time is the submission of the order by the customer.

There is the chance that for certain offers special conditions apply. In this case, the specific conditions are clearly stated in the description of the offer and prevail over these general conditions.

For each product, its’ page states whether the product is in stock or not. All products available are immediately delivered. If one or more products are available or not, the customer gets informed at the time, during which he chooses the products.

If two orders are entered simultaneously for a single remaining product, the company will inform the customer via e-mail as soon as possible.

If any order should be cancelled because the products are unavailable (out of stock), the relevant fee paid by the client will be refunded forthwith and no later than thirty (30) days, as described to the conditions on changes and returns.



You acknowledge that the company cannot guarantee continuous or secure access to the website and its’ operation, as it may interfere with several factors that are beyond the control of the company. Although the company will make every reasonable effort to maintain continuous operation of the website, cannot guarantee and makes no representations or warranties (express or implied) about its’ availability and the ability to buy products. The company is not liable for the temporary unavailability of the site,or for partial or total malfunctions or dysfunctions. Specifically, the company is not responsible for technical problems because of which offers or sales were processed late or incorrectly. The site may be temporarily unavailable partially or wholly, for maintenance or other reasons, without any client/member can have a claim against the company.